Visit APPD at Shrimporee 2022

APPD Shrimporee 2022

Shrimporee 2022 Pig-e-mon

It’s that time again, AP! Shrimporee 2022 time!! Be sure to stop by the public safety and Crimestoppers tent while at the event.

Pig-E-Mon continues to evolve and you won’t want to miss the new characters. Stop and talk to our officers and collect their cards.

We have several new goodies to hand out this year, too. Pick up your public safety bag filled with various neat items. Or, just stop by and say hi. We love to mingle with the fine folks who come out to Shrimporee.

Keep safe and have a grand time at Shrimporee!

WARNING!!! It’s hot this year. Very hot! Be sure to keep hydrated and wear sunscreen or coverings to protect your skin. We have officers and EMS out in full force to offer assistance, but prevention is your best first defense against this miserably hot weather this summer.