Criminal Investigations
Captain Kyle Rhodes runs the PD’s criminal investigations division (CID). Capt. Rhodes has been with the Aransas Pass Police Department since 2003 and has worked all aspects of policing. Capt. Rhodes also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, is a master peace officer, and serves as a TCOLE instructor.
CID has six assigned detectives. Four are assigned to general investigations which includes all crimes assigned to the division through the patrol division. Two detectives are assigned to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
These detectives combat drug-related crimes on a larger scale helping to cut down on the number of drugs that make it into Texas. The DEA assignment also assists the Police Department through federal asset forfeiture and seizures. These funds support large projects and certain programs within the PD which directly improve the level of service we provide our community.
Our in-house detectives serve as the department’s life-line when it comes to the pursuit and prosecution of criminals. These detectives investigate all class B and A misdemeanor and all felony crimes, non-patrol/traffic related, reported to the PD. Types of crimes actively being investigated include: