Click It or Ticket

The Aransas Pass Police Department is gearing up for this years Click It or Ticket Texas campaign.  That’s right folks, we are again joining Texas Police Forces in the annual Memorial Day Click It or Ticket program.  

The Aransas Pass Police Department will be exercising zero-tolerance for all violators choosing to drive or ride while unsecured by a safety belt. This years campaign will begin Monday May 19, 2014 and last through Sunday June 1, 2014. Aransas Pass Police Officers have been instructed to focus on motorists driving or riding while unrestrained by a seat belt and to issue citations on all occasions.

Please join us in spreading the word and helping keep Texas motorists safe while driving on our roadways!

[box style=”notice”]Event Details:
Event: Memorial Day Click It or Ticket
Location: Aransas Pass & the Great State of Texas
When: May 19th, 2014 thru June 1st, 2014