Pig-E-Mon Returns to Shrimporee!

Pig-E-Mon has evolved! You won’t want to miss your opportunity to seek out our officers at Shrimporee and collect their character card.

Visit our public safety tent at Shrimporee and start your new collection today! Also, be sure to find APPD officers, Animal Control Staff, and Telecommunicators to collect their cards too! Additionally, we have a lot of goodies to give away for children and adults this year at Shrimporee.

After Shrimporee is over, you’re welcome to drop into the PD and visit with on-duty staff. Different days mean different employee cards to collect. Those participating in Pig-E-Mon will have their cards on them.

Let’s see who can collect them all. Feel free to share your collection with us online.

See you out at Shrimporee 2021, everyone!!