The City of Aransas Pass recently settled a lawsuit by deannexing Phase 1, 2, & 3 annexations from 2019. As a result, these areas previously serviced by police, fire, and EMS have fallen outside of the City’s jurisdiction. This means, calls for police, fire, and EMS will now be referred to the respective county government, Aransas County or San Patricio County.
We are working to update our public safety call system to streamline these referrals should you call 911 from one of these areas. In addition, pending criminal cases which require investigation will be referred to the respective sheriff’s department with jurisdiction.
Here is a mapped outline of the City Limits as they are today, post deannexation.
Just for your reference, from the time the City annexed these three phases, our public safety services were requested just over a thousand times. Here is a breakdown of what those calls for service were in regard to.